Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Writing Option 2: Remembering a Teacher.

I had a great pre-algebra and algebra teacher in middle school, Mr. Dinoia. In the same way that Drona was an excellent teacher to Arjuna, Mr. Dinoia was an excellent teacher to me. While being a good teacher was one thing they had in common, they weren't at all similar.

Drona made his students learn on their own, from their mistakes. He wasn't very verbal at all. When his students would make a mistake or give him the wrong answer, Drona would only scold them and move on. he wouldn't tell the student what they did wrong, so they had to guess at what their guru wanted. Also Drona wouldn't tell them how they could improve either.

Mr. Dinoia, on the other hand, was very verbal. He still made me learn from my mistakes, like Drona, but overall, they were totally different. When I would do something wrong, Mr. Dinoia would help me to get the right answer. He made me work for it which is better than just handing me the answer. I never had to guess at what his expectations of me were, he would just tell me exactly what I had to do. Also I wouldn't be scolded for a wrong answer, and he would work with me explaining my mistakes and how I could improve, which is very different from the method of Drona.

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