Thursday, January 18, 2007

Think Through: Greek Culture.

1. The religion of ancient Greeks is different from that of the Jews, Christians, and Muslims because the ancient Greeks believed in many gods, not just one, polytheist versus monotheist. Also the ancient Greeks had no sacred writings or texts and no commandments.

2. The Olympian gods are like human beings because they showed human qualities. Qualities such as love, had and jealousy. The gods also had arguments and had a sense of competition just like humans. However, the Olympian gods live forever, they are immortal while humans cannot live forever.

3. The Athenian democracy had a group called 'the assembly' and this group passed laws as well as selected generals. Anybody could be in the assembly; the assembly also debated over ideas that were submitted hoping to be turned into laws. The Council of Five Hundred was another part of the Athenian democracy. Five hundred citizens were chosen at random to serve on this council and their duty was to propose laws.

4. The greatest thinkers of ancient Greece were Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle.

5. Events that were included in the Olympic Games were one such as boxing, wrestling, the javelin and discus throws, and races of all kinds. All of these events are still included in today's Olympic Games.

6. The Greek language was so easy to use because they used letters to represent all the sounds in the Greek language. This caused literacy to spread throughout other empires for the first time in history

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