Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Think Through: Mahabarata

1. I thought Arjuna was a very quick learner and very skilled with a bow and arrow. He was born with this talent and that talent made him the best student of Drona's, as well as a hero.

3. I think Arjuna's quality to be skilled with weapons was admired in ancient India. That is always handy when going into a battle, or fighting in a war. Also to be admired is his devotion to his guru.

4. I think Drona kind of favored Arjuna. Even though the scolding the other students was necessary, he could have told them how to fix their mistakes. Also I think Drona didn't save himself from the crocodile to show the other students how skilled and levelheaded Arjuna was in the time of need.

5. I think this story is told to children to teach them to say calm in dire situations. Also to teach them to listen to their teachers and rewards will come.

6. Drona reminds me of a karate, or martial arts instructor. He knows exactly what he wants, and what is needed, and the students are supposed to learn from the mistakes of their peers. He doesn't speak much at all, and I think his reason for this is that silence is louder than words. You never see a martial arts instructor speaking much either, because they need to focus on the task at hand.

7. I do think this lesson is true because you'll always get rewarded for paying attention and learning from your teachers.

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