Friday, January 12, 2007

Quest Story.

One very common quest story would be The Odyssey. Throughout the story, Odysseus, the hero, was trying to return home to his wife, Penelope, after the war at Troy. He had to go through many obstacles on the voyage home. He made friends like Sicily, who at first hindered him, but later ended up helping him. Hermes was the one who went to the island of Calypso and ordered Sicily to release Odysseus so he could continue on his way. Another character who also hindered Odysseus would be the Cyclops that captured Odysseus and his crew to eat. But Odysseus formed a plan to escape and hid under Apollo’s sheep with his crew, and safely returned to his ship to continue his voyage home. Later in the story the sirens also hinder Odysseus, by using their hypnotizing voices to try to get Odysseus’s’ ship to crash. Thankfully Athena acted as Odysseus’s mentor, and gave him certain advice, such as to tie himself and other crew members to the mast of the ship when they passed the sirens, that way they wouldn’t be hypnotized by their voices.
Another common quest story would be Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson. During the story you have your hero, Jim Hawkins, who is left with a map guiding them to Treasure Island. His friend, the doctor, helps him gather up a crew of miscreants, and a really great captain. Without the captain they would have never gotten to the island, found the treasure, survived, or had tips about when the rest of the crew was planning and when they would strike. The doctor Jim made friends with Long John Silver during the journey, who was a really sketchy character. He helped, and hindered Jim. You could never make up your mind about Long John really, because always at the last minute he would turn yet again. When Long John was on Jim’s side that gave Jim the advantage, because the whole crew would listen to Long John which really helped matters.

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