Thursday, January 11, 2007

Think Through: Gilgamesh.

1. I was really dissapointed that the serpent ate the thorn stick out of Gilgamesh's hand. I was really happy that he had found it, after all that he went through, he deserved it. But also, his quest turned him into a better man. Before, he was greedy and all of his power had gone to his head, when he returned though, he was a man who was nice and wiser. So even though he didn't get what he was looking for, the quest turned out to be good for him.

3. Gilgamesh can't accept the fact that humans die because he thinks that when people die they basically surrender to the earth, letting it eat them up and cover their heads. He thinks it's almost like a sign of weakness. Also he thinks that everyone should see the sun until they've had enough of it. He also fears death, which is part of his thinking. Also he's scared of what awaits him in the after life.

4. I think that Gilgamesh is proud of his city. He has so much pride in where he lives, and who built it. I think when he showed it to Urshanabi, it was almost as if he got to brag a little bit.

5. I think the most important event in the story was when Gilgamesh's friend, Enkidu, died. This event took such a toll on Gilgamesh, it effected him through most of the story. It's what drove him out on his quest to find immortality, and it's what caused him to make most of the decisions that he made.

6. In the future, Gilgamesh I think will be the ideal king. He won't be so greedy, and he won't let his power go to his head. He's much more wise then he was before he started out on his quest for mortality. His people will be very satisfied with the man that he has become.

7. Some different attitudes that people have towards death would be most of them are frightened. They don't know what will happen to them after they're gone. The world will keep on spinning and going on, even after they've stopped. Also some people learn to accept it. Everyone's time will come, and you just have to make the best of the time you have here on earth. Some people become angry as well. They don't understand why it has to be them that dies. They really just need to realize that everyone will die some day, it's not just them.

1 comment:

World Literature said...

Very good responses Ariel. I hope this class is going to be challenging enough for you; I thought you would be in English II Honors. Next year you should take AP Literature.

C. Postell