Friday, January 19, 2007

Ancient Literature and People.

Similarities and differences:

All of these ancient cultures were based off of the rivers. They all needed to have their civilization by at least one river in order to farm and care for themselves as well as livestock. Also many of them also used the rivers by means of transportation to other civilizations that were based off of the same river. All of the ancient cultures had means of communication.

Out of all of the ancient cultures the Assyrians were by far the most warlike and violent. The Akkadians and Babylonians based their cultures off of the Sumerians. While the other ancient cultures didn't provide many opportunities for women, the Sumerian culture did. In the Sumerian culture women could farm, take up crafts, become merchants and even join the priesthood. Most of these cultures had something similar to slaves to do the lower work for the empire. Along with this, they all also had means of different social classes.

The Egyptians believed very strongly in life as well as afterlife. They spent most of their life preparing for the after life by means of building extravagent pyramids. The pyramids were filled with all different kinds of artwork that the artists would decorate the insides of it. They pyramids became a focal point for Egyptian artistic creativity. The women of this civilizations had almost the same rights as men.

The ancient Hebrews had a sacred text called the Torah. This was basically like their bible. They built temples for worship, such as Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem. The Jewish society was dominated by males, like most cultures of the ancient Mddle East. The Hebrews fought a lot in order to keep 'the holy land', Jerusalem.

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