Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Pause and Reflect: Oedipus.

1. Oedipus seems really fake to me, like he's way over exaggerating how much he really cares. He started out by trying to make the priest feel bad for him, when really Oedipus should have felt bad for the priest and tried to help him. But after that, then he went into how much he loved and cared for his people, so he could be really sincere or just being fake.

2. The cause of the plague was that they never tracked down Laius's killer and punished him.

3. "Thebes is like a great army dying and there no sword of thought to save us."

4. A curse that basically he'll be living hell and be banished from the city and that he, as well as everyone else, will die.

5. I think that Oedipus's father is the murderer if Laius. Or maybe Laius's father is the killer.

1. He sends for Tiresias to learn the murderer of Laius because he's the only one that knows the exact truth.

2. They feel he's blind and not really using his head to figure things out. He's not thinking before he's acting.

3. Oedipus wants to know the killer so the plague will stop killing his people. Also I think he might want to find out about his family, it somehow may be linked. I think it was Oedipus's father who murdered Laius.

1. Oedipus thinks that Creon and Tiresias are plotting against him to kill him.

2. Oedipus is realizing that he is the murderer of Laius. Although he doesn't know Laius is his father.

1. Oedipus killed the travelers as well as Laius at the place where the three roads meet.

2. He ran because he didn't want the prophecy to come true and he didn't want to kill his father.

3. She doesn't really believe in the prophecies or fate. What happens, happens.

4. The chorus believes there is a greater being of determining the prophecies as well as fate.

1. Oedipus finds his fake father, Polybus, has died of an illness.

2. Oedipus's dad didn't want the prophecy to come true so he pinned his ankles together and gave him to the messenger. The messenger then gave Oedipus to Polybus.

3. Oedipus discovers that Laius is his father and his wife is really his mother. (gross).

1. The shepherd gave the baby to Polybus.

2. They now look down on him, they're ashamed of their king.

3. Oedipus left Corinth causing him to cross paths with his real father and kill him.

1. I think Oedipus will leave Thebes and travel far away from this travesty.

2. He blinds himself because he is so ashamed at what he's done and what's become of him and his life.

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