Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Here in Florida, we have many different holidays. They're all so diverse and different from one another, although most relate back to the same general topic. Many of these holidays depend on your choice of religion, and in the US we have many different religions. Some of these are holidays that I celebrate.

Today is actually Valentine's day, in which you're supposed to appreciate a loved one. Lots of reds and pinks and hearts, candy, chocolate, balloons and bears. Not everyone celebrates this holiday, depending on if you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend. But most people just make out valentines for their friends, just to show that they appreciate them.

Another holiday is Christmas. It's in December, to celebrate the birth of Jesus. We set up a Christmas tree inside of our house, and decorate it with bobbles, and lights, sometimes some garlands. Christmas time is supposed to be a time of giving and being happy. Everyone is usually in a caring and happy mood. It's a really great time of the year because people decorate the outside of their houses with lights and nativity scenes.

In April, we celebrate Easter, when Jesus came back to life. Little kids are told that the Easter Bunny comes and gives them gifts, and hides eggs for them to find. We also boil eggs, and decorate them with different designs. There are little marshmallow treats called Peeps, shaped like rabbits or ducks.

St. Patrick's day is another holiday that we celebrate. Everyone wears green, and if they're not wearing green, then you get to pinch them. This is the day that St. Patrick was a major influence of the Trinity...three people yet one God.

In the month of February we celebrate Black History Month. We often write papers on some of the most important Afro-Americans in US history. People such as Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr., Maya Angelou, and Billie Holiday. We also recognize the brave people who fought in the abolition of slavery. People such as our sixteenth president, Abraham Lincoln.

We also have a day dedicated to the great Presidents of our past. We get off school for this day which is mainly why all of the students like it. haha, at least that's why I like it.

There are many other holidays that I have not mentioned, but I have touched on a few of the major ones.

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