Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Think Through: Tu Fu.

1. I think that the poem "Jade Flower Palace" has the best imagery. You really get the picture of how old and dilapidated the crumbling palace is.

2. These words and phrases are used as metaphors in order to be more creative, over exaggerated and descriptive.

3. The theme of "Jade Flower Palace" is focusing on the old structure. The speaker really goes into detail of how old and worn the palace is now, but back in its prime, it was a magnificent building bustling with people.

4. The information about their friend Sun Tsai is the reason that this poem couldn't actually be a historic account. Everything that he does for the family is just so great and too good to be true, not very realistic at all.

6. The similarities between "Jade Flower Palace" and "Ozymandias" are that they both describe a building or structure that has been worn through time. In "Jade Flower Palace" the poem mainly describes the palace where in "Ozymandias" describes trunks and treasures in the desert. Also in "Ozymandias" the tone is more leaning towards mysterious and intrigue as opposed to "Jade Flower Palace" is more appreciative and recollecting the past of the palace.

7. I do agree with the statement because he really touches on the basic to tiniest details to the most important and serious ones. Without this style you wouldn't get the full effect of the poems or get the feel of his style. It's the little things that make the big events so spectacular.

8. People today can always relate to the hardships of life and the great moments of the past. The events that Tu Fu describes in his work are a place that everyone has been before; maybe not to the extent in the poems, but you definitely can understand where the speaker's words are coming from.

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