Wednesday, February 7, 2007


In my English II class, we just finished reading Oedipus by Sophocles. I really enjoyed the story because it was so exciting and thrilling. Once something started to get the ball rolling, it just kept going and going, gaining energy. I was really surprised that it ended up being Oedipus that killed Laius, and his father. Also, it's amazing how that long ago, people could come up with such elaborate and intricate details and plots. I enjoy reading older literature, such as this. I like some Shakespeare as well, but you know, I can only handle so much of old Billy. Last year in English I, we read Romeo and Juliet as a class, and then we watched two versions of the movie. One with Leo DiCaprio and then the older original one. I really enjoyed reading it aloud because you can really get into it and you can actually visualize better when it's being read to you. As well as Romeo and Juliet, we read Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. Sorry to say, that I really didn't enjoy this book. Just something about climbing through windows, and dreary English moors. Not to mention that Heathcliffe was a tad bit out there. But hey, what's not for some is great for others. I'm more of a book person anyways. Just put it in front of me, and I'm sure to read it...even if it does end up containing dreary English moors. haha

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