Wednesday, February 28, 2007

My City.

The city of Sarasota, Florida is well known for its art. We have sculptures up all over town, mainly downtown near our library and three points park. Just recently they have put up differently decorated clowns located downtown. I know it sounds weird, but it's actually pretty neat. The clowns are decorated all differently, one has got butterflies all over her dress, another is a ringmaster and there's even one that's really materialistic, with a Gucci hand bag and Chanel sunglasses.

With art, along comes elderly people who retire here for it being a small town and to enjoy the art. Many are tourists here as well. It gets pretty crazy when all of the 'snowbirds', as we call them, come down to enjoy the beautiful sunny weather. It sure makes traffic horrendous, and you have to leave your house about fifteen minutes (give or take depending on how far you are from where you'd like to end up at) before you actually would like to leave in order to get to your destination on time. Most of the tourists and elderly people don't really care for teenagers either. I think this has to do with the stereotypes that ignorant teens make for us.

The beaches here are beautiful as well. I think that Siesta Key beach is on the list of top ten beaches in the United States.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Women in Botswana.

The country of Botswana is located in Southern Africa. The country is landlocked, surrounded by barren and vast deserts. The Kalahari Desert actually covers up seventy percent of the land surface on the country. Botswana gained independence within the Commonwealth on September 30, 1966. Botswana's economy is mainly based off of cattle, tourism, and diamond mining. You'll find that the women of this country are far from the women in the United States.

The women in Botswana act mainly as the heads of the house. Rarely do they ever leave the house, or take part in anything that isn't manual labor around the house. It's found that the women actually do much more manual labor than men. The women's professions mainly cover crafting house hold materials and handicrafts; materials such as crafted baskets and dyes. Many families in Botswana are not settled, or mobile. They rarely stay in one place for a long amount of time. The reason for such mobility is food and income. A whopping fifty percent of families live below the Poverty Datum Line. Many people rarely have ownership of large amounts of cash, or make individual achievements. In the cases that someone has made an individual achievement, or has ownership of money, the conclusion of witchcraft is assumed.

Botswana has a very Egalitarian culture. They believe in male superior above all. With males having this power, many of them take advantage of this by beating and raping women constantly. Because of this, many of the women have HIV/AIDS. Women can't speak out against these acts because of male superior; they're immediately shot down, or blamed for what has's always the woman's fault. Women also have an immense lack of education and understanding cash economy. Women have potential to play important roles in education, health economic activity, and even agriculture but there are numerous cultural, social, economical, political and legal barriers that prevent women from ever holding a position in any of these professions. Without decent professions the women also experience a lack of health services, water, education, and infrastructure. "Man must earn a salary and a woman must remain as a housewife, resulting in women choosing or being made to choose less rewarding jobs."

Apart from all of this, things are starting to change. Just recently, the police force and the army have had openings for women. Many women are apart of many clubs supporting women and fighting for their rights. After all, this is the twenty-first century, and I really think it's about time for the people in Botswana to realize that, and make quite a few changes for the better. Women are just as capable as man in any subject or profession, and they need to open their eyes and see this.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Think Through: The Pillow Book.

1. I thought that the "Graceful things" was the most interesting. That section along with "I Remember a Clear Morning". It was interesting what exactly she found graceful and elegant. In "I Remember a Clear Morning" I enjoyed the irony of how the listeners didn't find the morning as interesting as he had.

2. Shonagon didn't want to tell Tadataka that the dog really was Okinamaro because she feared that he would hurt the dog since it was he who banished Okinamaro from the palace.

3. I think that the author is really down to earth based on her entries. She just really told things as they really are. She didn't butter everything up or exaggerate at all. Things in life are hateful, beautiful, and embarrassing, and her accounts of these thoughts are right on because in reality things like this aren't buttered up.

4. The people not finding the morning beautiful told Shonagon told her that they, too, stop to appreciate the little beautiful things in life and don't take them for granted.

5. I do have to agree with Murasaki Shikibu because based off The Pillow Book it almost humbles you. You connect so well with what she's saying and it's almost as if you're speaking them through her. It's always satisfying to know that there are others who have the same views as you.

6. I really agree with "Graceful Things" and "Embarrassing Things". Human nature hasn't changed that drastically over the years. People always get embarrassed and find certain things graceful or elegant.

Think Through: Tu Fu.

1. I think that the poem "Jade Flower Palace" has the best imagery. You really get the picture of how old and dilapidated the crumbling palace is.

2. These words and phrases are used as metaphors in order to be more creative, over exaggerated and descriptive.

3. The theme of "Jade Flower Palace" is focusing on the old structure. The speaker really goes into detail of how old and worn the palace is now, but back in its prime, it was a magnificent building bustling with people.

4. The information about their friend Sun Tsai is the reason that this poem couldn't actually be a historic account. Everything that he does for the family is just so great and too good to be true, not very realistic at all.

6. The similarities between "Jade Flower Palace" and "Ozymandias" are that they both describe a building or structure that has been worn through time. In "Jade Flower Palace" the poem mainly describes the palace where in "Ozymandias" describes trunks and treasures in the desert. Also in "Ozymandias" the tone is more leaning towards mysterious and intrigue as opposed to "Jade Flower Palace" is more appreciative and recollecting the past of the palace.

7. I do agree with the statement because he really touches on the basic to tiniest details to the most important and serious ones. Without this style you wouldn't get the full effect of the poems or get the feel of his style. It's the little things that make the big events so spectacular.

8. People today can always relate to the hardships of life and the great moments of the past. The events that Tu Fu describes in his work are a place that everyone has been before; maybe not to the extent in the poems, but you definitely can understand where the speaker's words are coming from.

Women and Sports.

I am a female, and I participate in many sports. At my school we have just as many girls’ sports teams as guys. Girls sports consist of: golf, swimming, cross country, volleyball, weightlifting, basketball, track and field, tennis, soccer, and powder-puff. Girls sport teams at my school I am on the Weightlifting, Track and Field, Powder-puff, and Cross Country teams. Most of the girls’ sports practice at the same time as the corresponding boys sports. The cross country girls and boys team train together; the track and field team, swim team, and golf team also practice the girls and boys at the same time.

Some teams such as soccer and softball have a plethora of girls that go out for those teams; however, many of the other teams are in need of girls. I'm not really sure why that is, because it's loads of fun and you make so many friends that you normally would never hang out with. Also, you get a letter to put on your letterman jacket which is really neat, and not many girls have them. I can understand that girls wouldn't exactly like to go out and join the weightlifting team because it seems that you have to be strong, but mostly girls that do end up joining it are just really conditioning for another sport and not really doing it to win.

Not all sports are for everyone, but most of them go hand in hand. If you lift weights, then that'll help you with your sprinting. Most girls don't realize this and I think that in their minds they would like to join a sports team and automatically be great in whatever they try. Practice makes perfect, and practices aren't always glamourous or pretty. They're hard work and can be fun some of the time, but overall you work your butt off to become good. I think that this factor scares some of the girls off. You have to work hard and be committed. You don't always have to be born with a talent for the sport either. Again, that's what the practicing and training is for.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Here in Florida, we have many different holidays. They're all so diverse and different from one another, although most relate back to the same general topic. Many of these holidays depend on your choice of religion, and in the US we have many different religions. Some of these are holidays that I celebrate.

Today is actually Valentine's day, in which you're supposed to appreciate a loved one. Lots of reds and pinks and hearts, candy, chocolate, balloons and bears. Not everyone celebrates this holiday, depending on if you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend. But most people just make out valentines for their friends, just to show that they appreciate them.

Another holiday is Christmas. It's in December, to celebrate the birth of Jesus. We set up a Christmas tree inside of our house, and decorate it with bobbles, and lights, sometimes some garlands. Christmas time is supposed to be a time of giving and being happy. Everyone is usually in a caring and happy mood. It's a really great time of the year because people decorate the outside of their houses with lights and nativity scenes.

In April, we celebrate Easter, when Jesus came back to life. Little kids are told that the Easter Bunny comes and gives them gifts, and hides eggs for them to find. We also boil eggs, and decorate them with different designs. There are little marshmallow treats called Peeps, shaped like rabbits or ducks.

St. Patrick's day is another holiday that we celebrate. Everyone wears green, and if they're not wearing green, then you get to pinch them. This is the day that St. Patrick was a major influence of the Trinity...three people yet one God.

In the month of February we celebrate Black History Month. We often write papers on some of the most important Afro-Americans in US history. People such as Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr., Maya Angelou, and Billie Holiday. We also recognize the brave people who fought in the abolition of slavery. People such as our sixteenth president, Abraham Lincoln.

We also have a day dedicated to the great Presidents of our past. We get off school for this day which is mainly why all of the students like it. haha, at least that's why I like it.

There are many other holidays that I have not mentioned, but I have touched on a few of the major ones.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Think Through: Chinese Poetry.

1. I'd have to say, the poem that appealed to me the most would be "Still Night Thoughts". Even though it was so short, you can really get the flow and feel the words which makes you better understand his tone as well as emotion.

2. The relationship with the wife and the husband went from the wife being unsure and feeble to both of them loving one another strongly. you can tell they both cared for each other because she states "You dragged your feet when you went out". Also when she states that she'll meed him as far as Cho-tu-sa, which is several hundred miles away from her town, you can really tell that she's devoted.

3. In "Still Night Thoughts" I think that the speaker is just overwhelmed with hopes and dreams; drinking in the beauty of the sight. Like "the world is my oyster"...and the realization that even though hes so small in comparison to the moon and the world, the possibilities are endless.

4. The speaker in "Gazing at the Lu Mountain Waterfall" feels that the waterfall is almost a part of him; that it completes him. He is just overcome by the beauty of it all and it gives him a peaceful, serene feeling, although while still being in awe. As if the waterfall was a family member, he wants to hold fast and stay close.

5. These poems aren't written in everyday, standard writing format. Since we're not used to reading the text in this style, to be able to visualize the descriptions really help you to better understand what exactly the speaker is trying to communicate to the reader.

6. In both "Mulberry on the Lowland" and "The River-merchant's Wife: A Letter", the two women love their husbands so very much. One difference is that while the woman in "Mulberry on the Lowland" has always loved her significant other, while the other woman did not. In "The River-Merchant's Wife: A Letter", the woman started out unsure about her husband and their relationship, but grew to love him dearly.

7. I would say that people today view nature in the same way that Li Po did. The only thing is that today people don't appreciate it to the extent that he did. If we did appreciate nature to that extent we would be saving more trees, recycling more, and generally taking better care of our surroundings and world.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Think Through: Poetry of Ancient Rome.

1. Both of the poems, to me, seemed to be saying to not ever get to curious. In "Seize the Day", the writer was saying to "not ask the forbidden question." And stating that "acceptance was much better". Some things in life you can't always ask why, or how, you just have to go with the flow of things, and accept things as they are, even though you may not always agree with the decisions made. In "Better to Live, Licinius..." the writer was saying to play things safely, that there isn't much room to wonder or aim high. It was saying how you should always stay in your comfort zone, and not exceed your safety net because those who do end up dead. Which I believe isn't true at all, because in order to live you have to take risks, or else you'll be left wondering your whole life "what if".

2. The speaker suggests that Leuconoe should live for the day because you should live every day as if it's your last. Enjoy life as it is, because many people take it for granted. Life, something you can never get back, and it can be gone in an instant. Live your life one day at a time.

3. The speaker means that a person in their who's in their comfort zone, being smug and is happy with where they are, should steer away from the risky parts of life. If your life is already perfect, why would you want to risk messing it up by venturing into the unknown? He's saying to not stick your neck out, like the giant pine and the tallest towers, because they have too big an ego, and are quickly struck down. Be happy about where you are, but don't become to egocentric because as soon as you do, someone will become upset, and just cut you down.

4. I think that "Better to Live, Licinius..." contrast is the most effective out of the two poems. In this poem, the speaker gives more examples to let you get the full visualization of the situations. You can really picture exactly what he's saying, and understand his tone, where as in "Seize the Day" it was just short and simple. It really didn't leave room for much visual concepts.

5. I would say that both of these poems are more for teaching aspects rather than delight. They both teach a valuable lesson, which aren't really for delight. "Better to Live, Licinius..." was more delightful out of the two, though, because you could really get a visualization going along with the different stanzas.

6. "Better to live, Licinius, not always rushing into deep water, and not, when fear of storms makes you shiver, pushing to the dangerous coast". This image really made me connect with the speakers words. I could really understand that if you're happy how you are, you wouldn't want to take a dumb risk, like going into rough deep water. That would risk your life and everything that you love. Certainly you shouldn't take a risk because your friends, or someone tells you always have to consider the situation, and how risky it really is. If it's something like your life being at stake, then obviously you wouldn't take the risk related to that outcome.

7. "Seize the Day", in my opinion serves better advice. I agree that everyone has limitations, and only the person knows what exactly those limitations are. You can't force your body or your mind to do something that it's not capable of. If you had asthma, and you knew that the farthest you could run was a half mile, then you'd do a half mile. You certainly wouldn't risk an attack, by doing a full mile, because you know that your limit is eight-hundred meters.

8. "Trim your hopes to fit your limits". I don't think that I completely agree with this. As a kid, everyone told me that I could grow up to be whatever I pleased. As long as you have the desire and passion for your aspiration, then I truly believe that you can get there and be successful. However, if your goal is to become the king or queen of a country, now that can't happen, because you can't choose to be royalty, you're born into it.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007


In my English II class, we just finished reading Oedipus by Sophocles. I really enjoyed the story because it was so exciting and thrilling. Once something started to get the ball rolling, it just kept going and going, gaining energy. I was really surprised that it ended up being Oedipus that killed Laius, and his father. Also, it's amazing how that long ago, people could come up with such elaborate and intricate details and plots. I enjoy reading older literature, such as this. I like some Shakespeare as well, but you know, I can only handle so much of old Billy. Last year in English I, we read Romeo and Juliet as a class, and then we watched two versions of the movie. One with Leo DiCaprio and then the older original one. I really enjoyed reading it aloud because you can really get into it and you can actually visualize better when it's being read to you. As well as Romeo and Juliet, we read Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. Sorry to say, that I really didn't enjoy this book. Just something about climbing through windows, and dreary English moors. Not to mention that Heathcliffe was a tad bit out there. But hey, what's not for some is great for others. I'm more of a book person anyways. Just put it in front of me, and I'm sure to read it...even if it does end up containing dreary English moors. haha

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Pause and Reflect: Oedipus.

1. Oedipus seems really fake to me, like he's way over exaggerating how much he really cares. He started out by trying to make the priest feel bad for him, when really Oedipus should have felt bad for the priest and tried to help him. But after that, then he went into how much he loved and cared for his people, so he could be really sincere or just being fake.

2. The cause of the plague was that they never tracked down Laius's killer and punished him.

3. "Thebes is like a great army dying and there no sword of thought to save us."

4. A curse that basically he'll be living hell and be banished from the city and that he, as well as everyone else, will die.

5. I think that Oedipus's father is the murderer if Laius. Or maybe Laius's father is the killer.

1. He sends for Tiresias to learn the murderer of Laius because he's the only one that knows the exact truth.

2. They feel he's blind and not really using his head to figure things out. He's not thinking before he's acting.

3. Oedipus wants to know the killer so the plague will stop killing his people. Also I think he might want to find out about his family, it somehow may be linked. I think it was Oedipus's father who murdered Laius.

1. Oedipus thinks that Creon and Tiresias are plotting against him to kill him.

2. Oedipus is realizing that he is the murderer of Laius. Although he doesn't know Laius is his father.

1. Oedipus killed the travelers as well as Laius at the place where the three roads meet.

2. He ran because he didn't want the prophecy to come true and he didn't want to kill his father.

3. She doesn't really believe in the prophecies or fate. What happens, happens.

4. The chorus believes there is a greater being of determining the prophecies as well as fate.

1. Oedipus finds his fake father, Polybus, has died of an illness.

2. Oedipus's dad didn't want the prophecy to come true so he pinned his ankles together and gave him to the messenger. The messenger then gave Oedipus to Polybus.

3. Oedipus discovers that Laius is his father and his wife is really his mother. (gross).

1. The shepherd gave the baby to Polybus.

2. They now look down on him, they're ashamed of their king.

3. Oedipus left Corinth causing him to cross paths with his real father and kill him.

1. I think Oedipus will leave Thebes and travel far away from this travesty.

2. He blinds himself because he is so ashamed at what he's done and what's become of him and his life.