Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Think Through: Songs that Celebrate.

3. The relationship between humans and gods is pure adoration. The people depend on the gods to give them things, and keep them safe and when the gods follow through with that, the people praise them and prostrate them. Humans always have to be on good terms with the god, or the gods could ruin all of the good that has been happening on earth. The gods have ultimate control, and so if you upset them, the consequences could be catastrophic.

4. The tone is very serious. All three of the praise songs are not to be taken lightly. They are full of strong beliefs, concentration, and over all seriousness. After all, this is what these people believe in, and they certainly wouldn't joke about such a pensive topic such as these.

5. Over all, I think that the river goddess orisha, Oshun, appealed to me the most. She seems to be really well rounded, thoughtful, and full of care. To her everyone is her child, and she would treat everyone like this with no diminished value. She is the reason many of the people are here on this earth, and nobody ever forgets that. Everyone adores her so, and is always grateful for the acts that she's performed. I would say that out of all of the orishas, she is the one that the people appreciate the most.

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