Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Think Through: A Drop of Milk.

1. Who exactly is Doondari, and how did he come to be the creator of the world? Why a drop of milk? Why did he have to create blidness in the first place? If he hadn't come up with blindness, then the world would be basically perfect...wouldn't it?

2. According to this story, the world came from a drop of milk, and Doondari came down and formed that drop of milk into stone, fire, water and air. Ultimately creating the five elements. From those elements he created man, and with the man Doondari created the feelings and attributes of man.

4. Blindness defeats man because man cannot see if he's blind. But if blindness defeats man, then sleep defeats blindness because you can't see when you're sleeping, so it's like you actually are blind, only you know that when you wake up you'll still have your sight as opposed to if you were blind and could never gain your sight back.

5. I think that Doondari returns as Gueno to complete the cycle. Once he came as Gueno, carrying immortality, he had made the full circle back to the starting of man. Also, I think he came back as Gueno so that maybe people could give the immortality attribute to the gods, because if the gods weren't immortal, then they would end up being just like man, and there would be nothing special about them hence them not exceeding man, but being equal.

6. I've found that humans aren't perfect, never were and never will be. Every human has his flaws and learns to cope with them and figure around it. Doondari going one step further and creating blindness just created the domino effect and many other attributes of man sprang up. So really, even in great people such as Doondari, there are still flaws. Nobody will ever be perfect, no matter how hard you try.

7. If man had not been proud, then the world would be nearly perfect. It's just like Pandora's box in the sense that if Pandora had not opened the box, then we wouldn't have been exposed to all of the horrible things that were enclosed in it. But life isn't like that, nothing is ever perfect, and there will always be consequences and reactions for your actions.

8. In all of these accounts of the creation of the world, they end up making man. Although after they make man, they're not satisfied and they go a step further, and then creates all of the feelings that associate with man, some being okay while others being more on the dim side. If only they had stopped just at man instead of going further and ending up with flaws, but that just shows you that every man will have his own flaws to deal with.

9. I have to say that I don't really like the reason that death came to be. Worrying isn't all that bad...I mean, obviously if you do it so much that it totally stresses you out and you start having anxiety attacks, then it's not good and the result could be death. But overall, people rarely worry that much, and the result of minor worrying isn't death, just stress.

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