Friday, January 5, 2007

Global Warming.

This year I've noticed that it has been getting hotter and hotter outside. I live in Florida, and I know that our seasons aren't a drastic change, but we've only had maybe one or two cold fronts that lasted a couple of days. Usually we get a bit of a temperature change going into winter, but not this year. On Christmas eve morning, my family and I went swimming in our pool. Christmas eve morning. Don't you think that it'd be cold so close to Christmas? But unfortunately, it wasn't. Also, my relatives who live up north, Washington D.C and Wisconsin, they say that it hasn't snowed once up there yet. This is so obvious that global warming is taking a toll on our world. I think that others really need to see this, and start acting on it. After all, this is our world and if we don't take care of it, who will? If we don't take care of it, then it won't be here for the generations after us. This is our earth, and if it's not here, then neither will we. People should make a bigger attempt to recycle, and carpool, or even spend the little extra to own a hybrid car. Global warming is a serious issue, and we need to treat it like one. A couple of months ago, I watched a movie called "An Inconvenient Truth". It's Al Gore's movie about global warming and what we can do to help, and if we don't, what would happen to our earth. It changed the way I see global warming now, and I highly recommend everyone to see it. Before I saw it, I knew that global warming was a problem, but I just thought, "oh, global warming won't affect me, it won't happen until I'm dead". And I'm sure that others think that same exact thing, only it's not true. Antarctica is melting faster than ever, and Greenland is as well. With these two places melting, the oceans are rising. If they melt too fast, many countries will be underwater, including my state, Florida. I know that I'm going to be around a while, and I don't want my time to be shortened because of global warming. Generations after us are going to want to live on this beautiful planet, Earth. And it's not fair to them if we ruin it before the even get a chance to see what a wonderful place this can be. So do yourself a favor, and for the people after us, and do what you can to reduce global warming. Don't think for one second that it's not a serious issue, because anything concerning preserving our world is a serious issue. RECYCLE!

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